At every MAWS conference, the creativity of Montana’s guilds is on glorious display.  Some guilds choose a theme around which to organize their ideas, oftentimes their own special take on the conference theme, or something else dear to the hearts of the members.  Some organize their display around color, or a particular weave structure they’ve been studying.  The results are always amazing and inspiring.

guild booths

Here is an example from the 2016 conference on Flathead Lake.  The Alpine Spinners and Weavers created a charming Northwest Montana scene, replete with a river and trees, tipi and bears, a canoe and other surprises!

Be sure to join the fun at the 2018 conference in Big Sky – The guild booth theme is Up, Up and Away.  Show off your guild’s wonderful works!

Please let the 2018 conference committee know of your guild booth preparations, so we can assign space to all who need it.  Contact Mary Melander – – to get your guild signed up.